Amber, a mom of a one-year-old, posted online that she needed baby food, milk, diapers and wipes for her baby, Annie. There was something very honest and raw about her post and I felt compelled to reach out to her. I sent her a text to let her know I would help. I offered to meet Amber at her local store at 8 p.m. so she could shop and get exactly what she needed. I told her I would be wearing a pink scarf and black jacket - she said she would be wearing a pink top and black pants. We recognized each other right away in our twinzie colors and exchanged hugs. I felt something special happening between us…we quickly moved beyond being strangers to feeling united in a common purpose, which was feeding both of our Souls.
She went directly to the baby food aisle and started stocking up. She kept checking in with me to see if it was O.K. to add another item. Trying to hold back tears, she told me that she was a widow, and about her...
I am grateful for this year of learning a deeper meaning of love. As my husband navigates unimaginable daily pain from cancer, I have been humbled to my knees as I let go of control and learn to love in a new way. The tapestry of our marriage is being stretched and reshaped, as we learn to adjust and live outside of the traditional marriage box. When Daniel left home two years ago to deal with his cancer on his own, for the longest time, I thought I must be the most awful wife if my husband with cancer would leave me.
Whatever sense of self-worth I had left me when my husband did. I was starting at zero again. The soul searching I've done to learn how to swim in a stormy ocean has caused me to throw out decades of outdated spiritual and emotional weight and only keep in the survival raft of things that would truly keep me afloat - no matter what. I am finding that God is enough. It's as if I died and could only take my Soul with me. I get...
One month ago I was in San Diego visiting my sister and nieces. When it was time to go to sleep I moved from my niece’s bed to sleep on the living room floor. That's when it happened. Jesus came to me! Just as I was relaxing into sleep, yet still aware, I saw and felt a soft healing light come down all around my upper body, from my head down past my heart. Jesus was right next to me leaning towards me and said,” Give me your burdens – I will take them from you. See me as your closest friend - always with you, and give your burdens to me.” I knew what was happening was profound - I knew Jesus! I said. “I love you and you're here with me! Thank you for helping me heal my pain.” I was able to let go of some of the pain in my heart, but I wasn’t clear how to give him all of it. I remember smiling as I fell asleep in his presence. When I woke up in the morning, my sister, Michelle, was having coffee and...
Today I receive guidance to be prepared to pray for someone who really needs it. About an hour later, I was driving home and saw a man sitting on the side of the road squatting with his knees bent to his shoulders and his hands covering his face. I slowed my car and parked nearby, but not too close, and sat there for a moment asking, “Really, God? Am I supposed to get out of my car and walk up to this man in what appears to be a painful moment?” I got an immediate feeling of urgency, “Now is the time to go.”
So, I got out of my car, slowly approached him, and said, “Hi. I just want to know how you're doing. Are you O.K.?” As he took his hands away from his face I could see tears were streaming down from his red eyes, and his face was distorted with pain and he said, “No!” He poured out his story telling me the mother of his two children kicked him out of the house and won't let him see his children. He...
Today was a double random-acts-of-kindness kind of day!! I was on my way to the store, but life had other plans for me! While driving to the store I stopped for goats that were in the road. The owner wasn't at home, so I guided the goats back into the backyard. I noticed that there was no food or water, plus everything looked abandoned. I knew they needed food, so I drove to the nearby co-op to buy some goat chow. This is when the next random-act-of-kindness took place.
As the goat food was being put in the trunk of my car, I saw a lot of bricks in the center of a busy intersection. An elderly man was picking the bricks up one-by-one with cars swerving around him. Oh my!! I crossed the street, and without any hesitation, the elderly man and I quickly worked to get the bricks off the busy street and into the back of his truck. When we were done he told me his name was Martin and asked if I was a volunteer, I said, no, I was...
During the winter, I keep a supply of warm hats in my car to give to homeless people. Just as I parked my car to go into Macy's yesterday, a homeless person walked right in front of me. I asked if he wanted a hat. He said yes. His name was Jessie and we talked for a few minutes. He told me of a homeless man across the street named Cory who told him he had lost his hat.
When I left the parking lot it was getting dark. I saw a nice looking man holding up a sign in the 30- degree weather. I wondered what his story could be. Cory did not look as worn down and beaten by the streets as most of the homeless people I meet. I pointed to a parking spot and yelled over to him, across the traffic, to meet me there. As he approached, he looked sad, but wholesome - out of place on the streets. I told him I heard from Jessie that he had lost his hat. He smiled, and told me that he had just lost it today. I handed him a knitted cap,...
Today, while at a sporting goods store I came across a North Face men's jacket marked down from $120 to $19.95 – so, I bought it! I didn't know who I would give this jacket to. I just knew that within the hour I'd be giving it to someone who needed to keep warm that night. I just trusted that Spirit would make it happen. Low and behold, it did happened, within the hour. I went to eat lunch at Zippy's Café, in my usual communal spot with comfy chairs and pillows. A little family-tribe arrived with kids that spread throughout the entire cozy space, so I gladly moved to a table that looked out the window to the street.
Within minutes I spotting the recipient of the new coat - a homeless man was walking then stopped right next to my car! He was eating something from a brown bag. I got up from my meal, crossed the street, and asked him if he needed a warm coat. With no hesitation, he said - Yes. I opening my car and...
At some point in your life the Divine Source - God may guide you through the "refining fire"....this is a time when the Divine burns off your false sense of self that you have accumulated from others and the world.
You are a beautiful Eternal Spirit full of grace, beauty and deep compassion and love. The refining fire can be an extremely challenging time when you are shedding your limitations to knowing your true self - your glorious self-worth and abundant birthright life resources and love in your life.
Your connection to Divine Source is highly personal, so instead of resisting your fire challenges, embrace that you are being purified to create the alchemy of love as Divine Source God is calling you closer to your true home.
You come out the other side of the refining fire filled with the presence of the Divine's will and love in you, for you - as you.
Today something magical happened....
Many of you know that I often give warm clothes to the homeless during the winter months. Well...while I was driving to the co-op, I saw a man on crutches with only a windbreaker on. I knew to stop for him. I parked in a well-lighted gas station and called out to him, asking if he needed warm clothes. He said yes, and came over. A car had hit him and broke his leg about a month ago. Due to medical expenses, he lost his ability to pay rent and became homeless. He was grateful to get a new wool hat, shoes, socks, pants and thermal underwear, too! But, the magic was only starting to happen. Another man, who was standing nearby, came over and said he saw what I did for man on crutches. He asked me to pray for I prayed for Daniel. Then, when he walked away another man walked up and said, "I saw you pray for that man, would you pray for me, too?" His name was Scott, and I...
Grounding is an ancient technique that has been used in meditation traditions around the world for thousands of years. Grounding helps us focus our energy and allows our Spirit to feel stabilized inside our bodies.
The vibration of this planet is made up of the sum of 6 billion individuals. Each person is a spiritual being with a divine purpose. Staying directly connected to our Divine Source provides us with our unique energy - designed just for our Spirit and body.
Its easy to "pick up" on the energy fields of other people, our electronic creations plus thoughts and fears. Our body is not designed to process anyone else's energy. When we take on another person's energy it moves through our chakras, causing our bodies to feel disturbed with foreign energy.
So when we "Ground" from our first chakra to the center of the earth we allow any disturbing energy that is not ours to be sent down our grounding cord and be neutralize quickly. Grounding is one of the most important meditations...