Grounding for inner-peace

grounding inner-peace Aug 08, 2014

Grounding is an ancient technique that has been used in meditation traditions around the world for thousands of years. Grounding helps us focus our energy and allows our Spirit to feel stabilized inside our bodies.

The vibration of this planet is made up of the sum of 6 billion individuals. Each person is a spiritual being with a divine purpose. Staying directly connected to our Divine Source provides us with our unique energy - designed just for our Spirit and body.

Its easy to "pick up" on the energy fields of other people, our electronic creations plus thoughts and fears. Our body is not designed to process anyone else's energy. When we take on another person's energy it moves through our chakras, causing our bodies to feel disturbed with foreign energy.

So when we "Ground" from our first chakra to the center of the earth we allow any disturbing energy that is not ours to be sent down our grounding cord and be neutralize quickly. Grounding is one of the most important meditations we can do. Combined with "Spirit" meditation...we can always be "Centered" in our Spirit and "Grounded" in our Bodies" at all it's easy to do!

Focus on Breathing

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, your hands separate in your lap and your hands open. This sets up an open flow to your energetic system and allows universal energies to flow through your body. When you cross your legs you are "crossing" your energy flow. Now shut your eyes and for just a few minutes keep your attention on each breath. Focus on your nostrils and feel the air coming in your nose. For now just focus on the incoming breath and be still. Each time a thought carries our attention away, refocus your attention on your breath. Do this for only a couple of minutes.

Spirit Into the "Center of the Head"

Continue with your slow steady breathing and visualize, (tune into) your Spirit as a bright spark of golden light above your head. Guide your light towards the crown of your head, and gently allow the light to come down through the crown of your head, and settle into the center of your head, up and behind your eyes. This is the "Seat of the Soul" the HOME of YOU the SPIRIT within your body! Now you will do the rest of this Grounding Meditation as Spirit, without using any effort.

Focus your attention on your first chakra, (about 4 inches below your navel). Visualize a grounding cord -

a stream of energy, flowing down from your first chakra, through your chair and through the concrete foundation. Now, allow your grounding cord to continue to flow through the many layers of the earth to the center of the earth and become securely connected.

Next, focus on any energy that is disturbing you, then allow it to flow down your grounding cord to the center of the earth. You can repeat this with any energy you want to release

You can let go of any disturbing energy throughout the day. Breathe, relax, let go of any effort and ground. When you're ready open your eyes, stand up, walk around and feel the difference of being grounded. Enjoy your day!

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