Amber, a mom of a one-year-old, posted online that she needed baby food, milk, diapers and wipes for her baby, Annie. There was something very honest and raw about her post and I felt compelled to reach out to her. I sent her a text to let her know I would help. I offered to meet Amber at her local store at 8 p.m. so she could shop and get exactly what she needed. I told her I would be wearing a pink scarf and black jacket - she said she would be wearing a pink top and black pants. We recognized each other right away in our twinzie colors and exchanged hugs. I felt something special happening between us…we quickly moved beyond being strangers to feeling united in a common purpose, which was feeding both of our Souls.
She went directly to the baby food aisle and started stocking up. She kept checking in with me to see if it was O.K. to add another item. Trying to hold back tears, she told me that she was a widow, and about her...