Today I receive guidance to be prepared to pray for someone who really needs it. About an hour later, I was driving home and saw a man sitting on the side of the road squatting with his knees bent to his shoulders and his hands covering his face. I slowed my car and parked nearby, but not too close, and sat there for a moment asking, “Really, God? Am I supposed to get out of my car and walk up to this man in what appears to be a painful moment?” I got an immediate feeling of urgency, “Now is the time to go.”
So, I got out of my car, slowly approached him, and said, “Hi. I just want to know how you're doing. Are you O.K.?” As he took his hands away from his face I could see tears were streaming down from his red eyes, and his face was distorted with pain and he said, “No!” He poured out his story telling me the mother of his two children kicked him out of the house and won't let him see his children. He...
When we judge others...energetically, we are trying to control their "wrong" behavior, however we are actually giving our power to them. Since we are all equal this imbalanced energy can cause us pain. We are literally sitting in judgment of someone, which can translate to...we believe they are not doing "it" right, or they should be doing "it" my way, or not at all. Whew, that is an exhausting way to use our energy, right? The surprising thing is...we are actually judging ourselves. We saw a "matching picture" in someone else that brought up unhealed pain within ourselves. When we stay in judgment of another person we become stuck energetically in the past, while the individual we are judging, who shared a moment in time with us, has moved on. Consider whenever judgment comes up...pausing... and thanking the person who gave us the opportunity to look within ourselves. Then use our valuable energy to heal past pain which are usually deeper levels of self-love.