I am grateful for this year of learning a deeper meaning of love. As my husband navigates unimaginable daily pain from cancer, I have been humbled to my knees as I let go of control and learn to love in a new way. The tapestry of our marriage is being stretched and reshaped, as we learn to adjust and live outside of the traditional marriage box. When Daniel left home two years ago to deal with his cancer on his own, for the longest time, I thought I must be the most awful wife if my husband with cancer would leave me.
Whatever sense of self-worth I had left me when my husband did. I was starting at zero again. The soul searching I've done to learn how to swim in a stormy ocean has caused me to throw out decades of outdated spiritual and emotional weight and only keep in the survival raft of things that would truly keep me afloat - no matter what. I am finding that God is enough. It's as if I died and could only take my Soul with me. I get...
At some point in your life the Divine Source - God may guide you through the "refining fire"....this is a time when the Divine burns off your false sense of self that you have accumulated from others and the world.
You are a beautiful Eternal Spirit full of grace, beauty and deep compassion and love. The refining fire can be an extremely challenging time when you are shedding your limitations to knowing your true self - your glorious self-worth and abundant birthright life resources and love in your life.
Your connection to Divine Source is highly personal, so instead of resisting your fire challenges, embrace that you are being purified to create the alchemy of love as Divine Source God is calling you closer to your true home.
You come out the other side of the refining fire filled with the presence of the Divine's will and love in you, for you - as you.
When we judge others...energetically, we are trying to control their "wrong" behavior, however we are actually giving our power to them. Since we are all equal this imbalanced energy can cause us pain. We are literally sitting in judgment of someone, which can translate to...we believe they are not doing "it" right, or they should be doing "it" my way, or not at all. Whew, that is an exhausting way to use our energy, right? The surprising thing is...we are actually judging ourselves. We saw a "matching picture" in someone else that brought up unhealed pain within ourselves. When we stay in judgment of another person we become stuck energetically in the past, while the individual we are judging, who shared a moment in time with us, has moved on. Consider whenever judgment comes up...pausing... and thanking the person who gave us the opportunity to look within ourselves. Then use our valuable energy to heal past pain which are usually deeper levels of self-love.