One month ago I was in San Diego visiting my sister and nieces. When it was time to go to sleep I moved from my niece’s bed to sleep on the living room floor. That's when it happened. Jesus came to me! Just as I was relaxing into sleep, yet still aware, I saw and felt a soft healing light come down all around my upper body, from my head down past my heart. Jesus was right next to me leaning towards me and said,” Give me your burdens – I will take them from you. See me as your closest friend - always with you, and give your burdens to me.” I knew what was happening was profound - I knew Jesus! I said. “I love you and you're here with me! Thank you for helping me heal my pain.” I was able to let go of some of the pain in my heart, but I wasn’t clear how to give him all of it. I remember smiling as I fell asleep in his presence. When I woke up in the morning, my sister, Michelle, was having coffee and...