When I was 19 and lived in a Tipi. As beautiful as the canyon and tipt was I was going through a depression and felt lost. I prayed constantly. To my amazement...one prayer was answered. I was on the ground with my body bent over and my face and tears buried in the floor praying with all my heart for guidance - for direction. Then I heard a very clear, loud voice in my head say, "Penny, what do you believe in? I jolted my head and body up and said loudly, "I believe in love and loving one another". The voice responded, "Good! Then that is what you should do!" When I responded, "Yes, I will" all the noise in my head and the confusing thoughts of what I should be doing with my life when away. In an instant I had faith in one simple truth "love", and "loving one another" and the inside of my head became quite and peaceful. I recall saying, "Can it really be this simple?" The response from the voice was, "Yes! Just believe in yourself."
In that moment I took hold of a simple truth and gave it power "Love" and I felt the confusion of family and religious programming fade away. The voice went on to tell me to do three things every day to develop my belief in myself. "Share your food with someone everyday. Pick up trash everyday and spend time with a child everyday." With excitement I responded, again, "Yes, I will!" I couldn't wait for the morning to come to begin my path of expressing my love through action.
At this time in my life I was very withdrawn and kept to myself, so when I started reading books daily to the few children who lived in the canyon, picked up trash, a
nd secretly left meals for a person who was probably as lonely as I was -people noticed! Then a magical thing happened, the loving energy that I was putting out through my "three things" started bouncing off the walls of the canyon and coming back to me in the form of flowers, thank you notes, smiles, and freshly baked bread left inside my dwelling. I was giving love and starting to feel loved. I was building myself up through my thoughts and daily actions. I was consciously living the "law of attraction" one day at a time.
And now? The funny thing is...I went on to run a Nanny Agency for 22 years encouraging caregivers to teach children how to read. I still grow a garden and share my food freely, and yes - I still pick up trash. Yes, of course believe in "Love and "Loving one another"!!
(excerpt from my forthcoming book)
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