Healthy relationships allow each individual to be responsible for their "personal energetic space". When we accept others exactly for who they are...we trust that they know what is best for themselves. We validate them and give them "energetic space".
Sometimes when a person we care about pulls away from us, we react by moving our energy into "their energetic space" to "hold on", or "control" the changing situation. Have you noticed this does not really work, or help the relationship? Here's why... energetically when someone moves away from us they need time and space to sort "energy" out for themselves. Often someone "matches" deep seeded "pain pictures" that you also have within you, and it's their soul's purpose to dig deep within and heal this pain for themselves.
Understand... when we "try to heal" someone else's pain we actually rob them from completing their own lesson which is meant for the evolution of their soul. When we "take on" other people's lessons...they often recreate the same lesson over and over again because it's their lesson to heal for themselves. Instead of looking outside us...we can take opportunities to heal our own "pain pictures" that come up from these experiences. This is when magic happens! From our deep healing we tap into our divine source of compassion, peace, love and acceptance that emanates from our Spirit and moves through our body.It's this "healed energy" that can uplift and inspire others to heal themselves.
So remember when we give someone space -- it's as if we are telling them energetically "I see your Spirit! I respect you, believe in you and have faith that you can bring to you everything you need to heal yourself". Now that's healthy energy for relationships!!
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