You are an eternal Spirit! Even though your body is are not your body. Our Spirit created every aspect and vibration of our body so our Spirit can live within our body - in harmony. Here is where it gets complicated. Only the vibration of our Spirit is meant for our body, yet most of us have "taken on" so much energy of family and friends (even the burdens of the entire world) that we cannot even find ourselves - often there is very little peace and harmony within.
Most of us take on other people's energy from a place of love and caring, some from guilt and control. Whatever the reason...when we take on pain and suffering of others we attempt to process it as our own, yet since it's not compatible with our body it disturbs us. When we take on the energy of others it may become so disturbing to our body that we can find ourselves feeling confused and isolated to the point of depression, even to the extreme of suicidal thoughts and action. You can free yourself from this burden. We may think we are helping, yet its as if we entered a "Soul Contract" that says, "Yes, you can heal me and fix my problems, so I don't have to be responsible for myself and "fix" my own life." Two things happen right away...we end up feeling burdened, and the person you tried to "heal" recreates another situation with the exact same lesson because the energy that you "took on" and tried to "fix" was meant for the evolution of their body and soul, not yours. The good news is...we can learn to love and care for others without processing their lessons and energy.
When we stop trying to process the lessons of others, we feel better and they learn their soul's lesson for themselves. Letting others know that you believe in how capable they are and that you have faith in them is so much more validating. Miracles happen when you let go and trust the Spirit of others to heal themselves.
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