Mentorships from a Spiritual perspective
As a Spiritual and Visionary Business Mentor, I guide sensitive truth-seekers, who are overwhelmed with the burdens of life, to experience spiritual transformation and financial freedom through time-tested programs that deepen a relationship with God-Divine Source, and awaken their Visionary Work in the world.
1 month Mentorship
I will walk with you from the darkest and most painful parts of your life's path to the opening of the most beautiful views of your life's journey and connection to Divine Source.
In just a short amount of time, we will establish a level of trust which is key to the deep transformational work ahead. Together with Spirit, I will guide you to deeper levels of healing old pain, unblocking "stuck" areas of feeling separate, and uncovering the beauty of your bright Spirit in the world.
Each week we will meet on Skype, phone or in-person for a 90-minute live session. Each week's session is a thoroughly tested, well-designed energetic system that builds on the prior’s week's foundation of knowledge and healing. So, each week you will be given daily meditations to, step-by-step, help you align with Divine Source, center, ground, heal all of your seven chakras, and so much more.
Ready to stop trying to duck-tape your spiritual life together and learn from a trusted source? I have over 35 years dedicated to Spiritual knowing and an even deeper commitment directly to Divine Source. I would be honored to be your mentor down this scared path.
Want more in-depth Spiritual Healing and understanding? Renewal Mentorship is a natural step to Transform Mentorship – a one-month mentorship.
1 month Mentorship
You will continue your healing journey as we go in-depth to understanding how energy works with your spiritual body. You will continue to let go of confusion and doubt and trust yourself, as you experience a deep personal relationship with Divine Source. You will experience more faith in your own
guidance. There will be weekly 90-minute sessions and daily homework. You will transform you inner life from a pendulum of painful highs and lows to a foundation of peacefulness and the excitement of awakening. You cannot fake this experience...the transformation courses though every cell of your body filling you up with Divine Grace. Are you ready to invest in your own healing and well-being, so you can care, even more greatly, for those you love? I have over 35 years dedicated to this field and, most of all, to my relationship to Divine Source who guides me in this work. Let the transformation begin, shall we?
Prerequisite ~ Spiritual Mentorship I ~ Renewal
1 month Mentorship
This is where we take a deeper dive into healing and knowing who you are in relationship with Divine Source. This is a humbling experience as you learn how to listen to the Sound of Divine Source within you, and practice looking at the light of Divine Source within you. You cannot fake this experience...the transformation courses through every cell of your body, filling you up with Divine Grace. You will develop your compassion and become a vessel for Divine light through a service project for others in need, while practicing how not to take on their energy. Embrace your soul's path as your spirit comes alive to express your gifts in the world!
Create an Enlightened
Profitable Business
Create a business that is in alignment with your Soul; a business that is an expression of your highest purpose of service on the planet. If you have a desire to be of greater service in the world through sharing your story, Penelope will hold your hand and take you step-by-step to find your CORE message and uncover the precious dream that is hidden in your heart.
Do you feel that you have some deep inner wisdom from your life experiences that could be helpful to a lot of people? Do you feel that your inner wisdom is your best-kept secret? Are you ready to come out of the Spiritual and Business Closet and make your vision to serve others a financially successful reality?
Penelope will help you create a system of packaging, presenting and leveraging your Core Message and Gift to the world with high profits. So, if you have a vision of your business becoming a shining example of what is possible – the world you always knew could be your reality – this is the time to begin making it happen. If not now...when?
All energy is connected; heal yourself first and you will bring healing to your family, community and world.
Let's begin a Visionary Business Mentorship together and make it happen!
1 month Mentorship - 4-weeks Discover your Core Message & gift to the world
Do you feel that you have an inner calling telling you that you are supposed to be doing meaningful work that makes a difference in the world? A calling that makes you yearn to be able to financially stand on your own two feet and be free to run, jump, fly and travel the world freely. Find it is a three-month long training to help you fine-tune your career path. This course combines spiritual techniques with practical business strategies to develop a new way of seeing your current life's work.
You will receive training materials in a variety of learning modalities; a weekly 90-minute recorded Webinar training, PDF Training and usable Templates, Guided Meditations, plus Video Training.
1 month Mentorship ~ Create an Enlightened Profitable Business
Discover your Core Message & gift to the world
Do you feel that you have an inner calling telling you that you are supposed to be doing meaningful work that makes a difference in the world? A calling that makes you yearn to be able to financially stand on your own two feet and be free to run, jump, fly and travel the world freely. Find it in a three-month long training to help you fine-tune your career path. This course combines spiritual techniques with practical business strategies to develop a new way of seeing your current life's work.
You will receive training materials in a variety of learning modalities; a weekly 90-minute recorded Webinar training, PDF Training and usable Templates, Guided Meditations, plus Video Training.
1 month Mentorship ~ Create an Enlightened Profitable Business
Discover your Core Message & gift to the world
Do you feel that you have an inner calling telling you that you are supposed to be doing meaningful work that makes a difference in the world? A calling that makes you yearn to be able to financially stand on your own two feet and be free to run, jump, fly and travel the world freely. Find it is a three-month long training to help you fine-tune your career path. This course combines spiritual techniques with practical business strategies to develop a new way of seeing your current life's work.
You will receive training materials in a variety of learning modalities; a weekly 90-minute recorded Webinar training, PDF Training and usable Templates, Guided Meditations.
Let's begin Visionary Business Mentorship together and make it happen!